You can work up to different goals or PR’s over time to reach bigger milestones.

If you want to improve in your running or physical life, I would suggest downloading this FREE PDF customizable Running Bucket List and writing in your personal goals. I wrote down specific goals (in my case, it was to break a 1:25 half marathon on my way to breaking a sub-3 hour marathon) and it’s no secret I am a huge fan of bucket lists. 1:25 Half-Marathon Training Plan: 15 things to improve your time 15. And despite some personal setbacks, I beat my goal by 4 minutes and ran a 1:21 half marathon! So here are 15 things I did this training cycle to help me achieve my goal and set a personal record – with fewer training miles. Before this year’s Vigor Big Cottonwood, my PR was 1:32. The first step on my journey there was to break a 1:25 half marathon.

In my case, it’s my dream to break a 3-hour marathon. Here at the Minivan Bucket List, our bucket list goals aren’t just about travel.